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My PC Software written in C
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A solver for the Challenger puzzle. (See here and here.)
Source + binary [Written Jun '06]

My C4P eBook Wishlist Parser. See the code for an explanation.
(Code * Binary) [July '06]

A prime solving app.
(Code * Binary * Some primes) [July '06]

CSV 2 Wikitable converter.
(See here for Wikitable format details.)
(See here for the Google Group discussion where this was requested and released.)
(Code * Binary * Front end) [July '06]
Configure the paths of the batch file/front end, save to your Desktop as something.bat, then drag+drop a CSV onto it. Enjoy!

Scheduling app.
Can definitely use working on, but it works. You input all the classes, and it generates all the possible schedules...
(Code * Binary * Sample Input * Sample Output * Sample Output Ranked with Excel * Readme file) [July 30, '06]
Updated (Sept 11/06) to output to CSV and not mangle names. Working on a parser sometime soon...

Java Get/Set Generator
Takes a class name and a list of variables and outputs a Java class complete with the gets and sets.
Recognized types so far: int, String, TextField (J2ME), StringItem (J2ME)
Code updated: Comments added. FUnctions given better names.
(Code * Win binary * Sample Input File * Sample Output File) [August 6, '06]

kSOAP2 KVM (KvmSerializable) Generator
Takes a class name and a list of variables and outputs a KvmSerializable class for use with kSOAP2
Recognized types so far: int, String
Note: code undocumented as of yet
(Code * Win binary * Sample Input File * Sample Output File) [August 7, '06]

Proof of concept: Integer To Binary
Reads ints from STDIN until a zero is entered. Displays the bits that make up to integer (binary representation).
(Code * Windows binary * Linux Binary) [Oct 22, '06]

Send me feedback, please!

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